Saturday, April 11, 2009


I recently learned that when fasting from food, your mind thinks clearer. This intrigued me.
Your body is full of so many toxins from sugar and bad food and when you fast from those things and only fill yourself with delicious juices, the toxins are washed out.
I thought deeper into the idea. What about trash t.v.? What about consumerism?
And so, I am fasting. For forever.
I'm not buying clothes for at least one year. I've always said that I want to make my own clothing so why don't I? I'm going through my closet and if there is something there that I don't really need, I'm done with it.
I would much rather buy experiences like concerts that a garment that doesn't actually give me anything other than comfort.
This is not to say that I won't receive gifts of clothing or shop at thrift stores. I don't like the idea of feeding the consumerism monster, and thrift stores such as Goodwill and Salvation Army give to a cause.
I'm doing all this because I want to live an uncluttered life style. I will think more clearly without everything else weighing me down.
Ok bye,
Lemming Lime